Post by dingfelder1. Availability of 2006 Developer (when can I download it)
I don't know anything about this.
Post by dingfelder2. What exactly has changed between Jbuilder Developer 2005 and
2006 ? (I saw the feature matrix that shows what 2006 has compared
to foundation vs enterprise, but it doesnt say what is new in 2006)
One of the big feature enhancements is the "Collaborate"
functionality. You can basically do peer-to-peer communication
with team members all over the world while *inside* the IDE.
That means you could pair-program with somebody from your
office who took the laptop to the bar, pool, beach, spa, ...
while you are chained to your desk. (You'll have to
read the info on the Web site to determine which level
of product this is found in.)
There are some nice editing enhancements, too, such as
"Active Difference Editing" (you can essentially do
diffs right in the "Source"editor without switching
to the "History" tab. It's pretty neat because it's
all controllable with a tool bar in the "Source" pane
and a tiny widget in the same pane's status bar.
Very responsive, and much easier to use than the
"History" tab.
This is really minor but ...
There's also a "Who Last Changed This Line?" item
in the context menu of the "Source" pane. Essentially,
you can ask this and find out that it was you who
wrote that lame or buggy statement. (At least that's
what it has told me every time I've used it -- of course,
I'm the only one working on this project, but I doubt
that would change even if I were working in a team.)
Maybe some others can chime in with their favorite
new or improved features.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)
Save time, search the archives:
Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?
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