Adding value to JBuilder 1/3
(too old to reply)
2004-04-22 10:01:04 UTC
I have 3 ideas about making JBuilder better so I will split it in 3 posts,
one per day, to keep traffic :))
Here is small introduction and first one.

Market changes, and companies must adapt&innovate.
There is visible trend indicating that IDE-s are soon going to be same or
very simmilar, so in light of this JBuilder will be not so special any more,
in near future.
I dont think there is much space to improove IDE itself. Its hard to come
with new ideas about IDE anyway, and if different vendor comes with
something r/evolutionary, I sure it will be implemented in JBuilder. So,
improvements to distinguish JBuilder from competition should be made on
other areas.
Why? Well, I (and presumably major majority of buyers) would not spend money
on something that can be found for free.

First suggestion is to maximalize on plugins area.
Take a look at very nice and rarely usefull page such as
Make something like this on Borland web pages, and do one step more.
Make life easier for commercial plugin developers.
Enable plugin developers to sell plugins on Borland site, with Borland
e-commerce solution.
Like, developer makes plugin, Borland certifies compatibility, signs a
contract, and put demo plugin for download, and hyperlink Buy
leads to e-commerce solution, buyer enters his credit card number, downloads
software, and developer gets money.

Every plugin on one site, showing how rich JBuilder is ...
Creating a pool of gratefull developers, possibly recruit few of them when
needed ...
And users would love it, having one page to look for plugin they want,
instead of googling like maniacs .. :))

There are lot of things that could be also made, like archive and search
engine for this newsgroups (yes, there is already one, but that could be
jobs, etc ...

Replace zeroes with "o" to reply
Gillmer J. Derge (TeamB)
2004-04-22 12:53:03 UTC
Post by Buch
First suggestion is to maximalize on plugins area.
Take a look at very nice and rarely usefull page such as
Make something like this on Borland web pages
That already exists. http://codecentral.borland.com. It's not as
snazzy looking as the Eclipse page, but it has more or less the same
Gillmer J. Derge (TeamB)
2004-04-23 08:33:19 UTC
Post by Gillmer J. Derge (TeamB)
That already exists. http://codecentral.borland.com. It's not as
snazzy looking as the Eclipse page, but it has more or less the same
Yes, but people are visual beings, meaning they get 70-90% (depending which
source you use) of information by visual input.
That was/is driving force behind macintosh or ms windows success.
JBuilder, being tools for professionals and enterprise, certainly deserves
snazzy looking codecentral.
I'm aware that John Kaster can't do everything by himself, and that that
kind of look and functionality needs devoted job places, which in turn,
needs to pe paid.
That is why I introduced "step further" proposition idea, which has branch
where percentage from plugin purchase could be used to pay that job. Perhaps
even entire Borland site.
David Orriss, Jr. [TeamB]
2004-05-12 18:57:44 UTC
Post by Buch
Yes, but people are visual beings, meaning they get 70-90% (depending which
source you use) of information by visual input.
They're also *simple* beings. That is, humans like things that are
simple. The website www.eclipseplugincentral.com is so dang busy I
got a migrane looking at it...

I get the impression that you're trying to say that JBuilder should be
more like Eclipse. That's like saying that Windows should be more
like Linux. The 'free' model is only so flexible. And Borland *has*
a free version of JBuilder that's available for commercial development
*and* can have any number of tools made for it to extend it.

The reason people have gravitated towards Eclipse, IMNHO, isn't
because it's free or better (arguably it's not - otherwise JBuilder
wouldn't be selling so well). It's because IBM labelled it "Open
Source" and that's the latest in "software fashion". That is, if you
want something to be accepted by software developers now, you call it
"open source" and people will come running.

Eclipse is a seeding effort by IBM - nothing more. I have yet to see
anyone take the Eclipse source (other than IBM) and use it for

David Orriss Jr. *TeamB*
* Please limit all responses to the newsgroups. Thanks! *
Got a JBuilder website? Join the JBuilder Netring! Check out
http://www.davenet.net/jbwebring/jbwebring.htm for more information!

Save yourself some time and check these sites:

Borland Newsgroup Search:
Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic:
2004-05-20 19:04:40 UTC
Huh, I almost missed your post :)
Post by David Orriss, Jr. [TeamB]
They're also *simple* beings. That is, humans like things that are
simple. The website www.eclipseplugincentral.com is so dang busy I
No. People has different levels of sophistication. That is resolved with
market segmentation.
E.g., my GUI should have "simple" and "sophisticated" appearance, if I want
to apeal to everyone.
It's hard to make, and I'm still working on it ... but once I finished it
will be nice_generator_that_only_I_can_use, lol :)
Post by David Orriss, Jr. [TeamB]
got a migrane looking at it...
Perhaps you should increase fonts in your web browser :))
Post by David Orriss, Jr. [TeamB]
I get the impression that you're trying to say that JBuilder should be
more like Eclipse. That's like saying that Windows should be more
I'm saying JBuilder should be better :)
Post by David Orriss, Jr. [TeamB]
The reason people have gravitated towards Eclipse, IMNHO, isn't
because it's free or better (arguably it's not - otherwise JBuilder
The reason people are graviting towards eclipse is it has "magic" that
JBuilder lost somehow.
I can not accurately define what it is, and its personal opinion of mine.
But I proposed few things that are relatively easy to implement, are logical
and would help JBuilder stay number one.
Otherwise, it is foreseeable that Eclipse will catch up with features, and
because of development model, even surpase JBuilder in some areas.
Post by David Orriss, Jr. [TeamB]
anyone take the Eclipse source (other than IBM) and use it for
I'm using it as IDE for my application generator (alpha) .
Some people made it IDE for c/c++ ....

Rudy Velthuis (TeamB)
2004-04-24 19:24:07 UTC
Post by Buch
I have 3 ideas about making JBuilder better so I will split it in 3
posts, one per day, to keep traffic :))
Here is small introduction and first one.
Jim, AKA "Material", is that you?
Rudy Velthuis (TeamB)

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