Post by BuchEarly in career I was PC seller. When customer turned conversation on
other compaines that did the same, I always informed him about them, where
he can find them or contact them, and even if they have lesser proces than
I did. I could do that because I knew we had lowset prices possible
concerning to
maintain quality of PC components, service, etc, while having profit ...
Most of customers looked at me with puzzled look, but on second thought
appreciated my sincerity, and bought.
Some went to cheaper competition, but returned after some time.
I do the same with software development. I would not feel good when I
would need to hide behind "bussines culture" to justify silence about
competition. I don't need silence about competition, because I give my
best, and therefore I don't have fear of comparison. :) In fact, relaxed
talk about competition shows a lot to buyer.
I think that these types of discussons have been allowed, Buch. Maybe I
misunderstood the intent of your post. What I am referring to moreover, is
that this is not a general tool discussion groups, where you can expect
questions to be answered about specific toolsets, other than JBuilder. I do
not want to convey the attitude, however, that this is set in cement.
Asking comparative questions are totally legit, IMHO.
For instance, some post like the example below, is totally legit.
(Example only) I have been using NetBeans for some time, and I find NetBeans
has a really kool feature that allows for package management. JB wants me
to always create a Project before I can start debugging my code or running
code that I have created, without a project designation,. Why is this?
This post would be perfectly legit, IMHO.
However, I would find this example off-topic.
I use Eclipse and I am having a problem with refactoring. How do I do
refactoring on a sub package, in Eclipse?
Answer: Ask on an Eclipse forum.
We have been receiving some questions on the NGs, relating specifically on
HOW TO's in Eclipse, Net Beans, etc. These types of questions are really
off-topic and have no relation to JB, whatsoever. They are not legit NG
posts, again IMHO.
Post by BuchAnother reason migh be data gathering. JB team could have valuable data,
with 50% job already done, when they collect posts from knowledgeable
individuals about features, what is good and what is not good, what could
be better, what is missing ... and what is competition up to.
I think that these types of questions and discussions are legit, but if too
pointed, would kind of cross into QC. However, if specific problems someone
is having with JB, or something they are wishing for, is a valid discussion
topic, posting such concerns would not violate the NG rules. In fact that
is why they exist.
For instance, if NetBeans had a really kool feature that JB was lacking, it
would be OK to point this out, or offer it for discussion. However, if it
is a unsubstantiated tirade about how NetBeans is superior to JB, I think
it would tend to be off-topic.
Please understand, I do not want to give the impression that the JB NGs are
specifically geared to promoting JB alone, without pointing out what some
users might consider, misdirection, bugs, or the like. It is perfectly
fair to point out some shortcoming, or to ask about potential shortcomings.
Most shortcomings are really user's lack of knowledge, but not all.
What I do not think is fair, is for users of the NG to ask technical
questions about others products in a Borland sponsored forum. This is not
the Oracle JDeveloper NG, nor the Eclipse, NetBeans, nor the Sun Studio,
forum; it is a Borland JBuilder forum. However, if they have a unrelated
Java language or API problem, asking these on the specific ngs, is ok,
since Java is Java, and the language or API question is not IDE specific.
Post by BuchBut like somebody said, I don't make rules here, and I got the message.
Neither do I. :). Many of your post are instructive and thought provoking.
Hope I did not offend, it was certainly not my intent, nor would I even
remotely attempt to silence your participation. Please remember, I only
speak for myself, not everyone else, and not Borland either. ;-)
Have a very good day, and keep the discussions coming.