Disclaimer: what I write below is based on my own thoughts
and is not based on any special knowledge that anyone may
*think* that TeamB has access to. We are all very much
in the dark, just as the general public, as to what these
announcements re basing SDO on Eclipse actually mean. Heck,
most of us don't even understand what SDO really means.
Post by Alexey N. SolofnenkoI would like to think that Borland will finally make Eclipse worthy.
To do so, they'd have to work for free and make lots of infrastructural
changes to bring the underlying Eclipse framework up to snuff.
Such work cannot be done for free by Borland.
Post by Alexey N. SolofnenkoCurrently with Eclipse you have to use a lot of plugins (even for basic
functionality) and most plugins are beta quality.
Eclipse plug-in quality varies widely. So do third-party OpenTools written
for JBuilder. However, the OpenTools of which JBuilder is composed
have a fit and finish that is much greater than almost all plug-ins
found the official releases of Eclipse.
As a contrast in quality, I like to point out the
simple fact that not one single Wizard or Property dialog in Eclipse
has a Help button. I'm not talking about a lack of such a button
in third-party plug-ins. No, Eclipse itself does not support
such a simple facility in its framework! Look at JBuilder's
OTAPI: Wizards, Property Pages and the like all have interfaces
for providing Help.
Post by Alexey N. SolofnenkoI guess Borland found that it is difficult to make changes in JBuilder
to fully support Java 1.5 (and I thought it would be a good reason to
actually sell more JBuilder...), so they decided that it does not make
sense to write code that will be available in Eclipse anyway.
You are speculating here and I wonder what evidence you have
that the JBuilder Team is having difficulties integrating
JDK 1.5 into the product? If you based your speculation
on the fact that JB 2005 runs on 1.4.x, I'd suggest that
it's not evidence of anything but the fact that JB 2005
was well into its testing and bug fixing phase before
JDK 1.5 went golden. This is an historical fact.
If you've read somewhere that the team is having problems,
I'd be interested in the reference -- I suspect that
the basis of that was just idle speculation as well.
Post by Alexey N. SolofnenkoOf cause
Borland could release JBuilder open source, since they do not think they
are going to make money on it and leave people to deal with it.
My *guess* is that whatever might become available for Eclipse
(if anything) will not be free. How could it be if Borland
wants to maintain its development team? They do need to get
paid. (See my disclaimer above -- I do not know what if
anything will become available for Eclipse.)
Post by Alexey N. SolofnenkoIf Borland does not fix Eclipse, there are other very good IDEs - IDEA
is one of them.
- Alexey.
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiperhttp://www.javalobby.org/java/forums/t18188.html
Is JBuilder now officially dead, in spite of promises that there will
definitely be upcoming releases?
The announcements talk about SDO specifically, and in my
limited understanding of SDO, it's more than just JBuilder,
or may even be something other than JBuilder. If you go
there's no mention of any existing Borland products,
let alone JBuilder. Download the whitepaper, look at
the FAQ, and read the press release. No mention of
So far, I think there's way too much speculation, and very
little info from Borland as to their actual plans. The
best thing to do is to sit tight, get on with your work,
and when things change, *if they do*, roll with them.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)
Save time, search the archives:
Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?
Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.