Post by Jennifer Ashley KuiperFirst let me emphasize the following. Everyone complies with the
newsgroup guidelines. Not because everyone agrees with it, but simply
because of the comprehension that if you do not comply, you get chucked
out, your messages are rendered invalid and/or you become a persona non
I disagree on two different counts. First, not everyone complies with the
guidelines. If everyone did, we would not be having this discussion. And
I also think you are very wrong that people only comply because they would
be kicked off the newsgroups if they did not. Most people realize that
following the rules results in newsgroups with less noise, which makes the
groups more useful to them.
Post by Jennifer Ashley KuiperOften there is a certain amount of tension regarding this problem and
the poster frequently checks the thread with anxiety in order to find
out if there were any replies. If then you find that the first and
foremost reply you get is "do not multipost", your first reaction may
not be "hmmm. he is right". Instead you will regard this a major
deception. I am sorry to enlighten you on this. It is called being
Deception? I suspect we are running into a language issue here, but I do
not think that is the appropriate word. I think it implies that someone
posted the message in order to fool you into thinking that it was a
solution to your problem, so as to get your hopes up and then dash them.
I think one would have to be quite paranoid to think that is going on.
But yes, I can understand that you might have your hopes up in the second
or two between the time that you notice the reply until the time that you
read it. Of course, that could happen for a number of reasons. Someone
might post an "I have the same problem" message, or misunderstand your
problem and post a "solution" that does not address it. There could be
any number of other types of replies that would disappoint. But life is
full of little disappointments, and most people learn to live with them
without reacting badly.
Post by Jennifer Ashley KuiperAnd although you feel that in your current role as a Team-B member you
have to, you must have been aware of responses the likes of which I
confronted you with.
I do not just "feel this". I am quite sure that it is one of my duties as
a TeamB member. [Checking TeamB Guide to make sure...] Yup, it is
definitely in there. No doubt about it.
And yes, on rare occasions, people react badly to requests such as the one
that I made of you. That does not make right, or even reasonable. And it
is not a reason to abandon the newsgroup guidelines.
Post by Jennifer Ashley KuiperI don't want to play divide and conquer here, but Gillmer responded to my
needs as apposed to correcting my alleged misbehavior. And Gillmer is a
Team-B member too, so he could have.
If you search the newsgroups, you will find many examples of Gill asking
people not to multipost, and examples from other TeamB members as well.
You will also find plenty of examples of me providing answers for people.
I do not know for certain, but I suspect Gill did not see your second
message, or realize that it was a multipost. Or perhaps I just saw it
first. It seems that you are looking at a single data point and deducing
a pattern from it.
Post by Jennifer Ashley KuiperIf you are making such an issue of someone responding to your feedback,
then maybe you should reconsider your Team-B membership.
In order to do that, I need to consider whether that response was in the
least bit reasonable. That is why I asked you those questions, most of
which failed to answer. In case you did not see them, here they are again:
| Do you think it was wrong for me to ask you not to multipost when you
| had just done so? If so, do you think that I should not ask anyone to
| follow the newsgroup guidelines, or just you? Do you think that there
| was something wrong with the way that I phrased the request "Please do
| not multipost"?
| And given that Gill had already replied to your message, and that I had
| nothing to add to that, what would you have had me say?
John McGrath [TeamB]
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