Help system
(too old to reply)
Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
2005-04-01 13:43:36 UTC

Does anyone know how to rebuild the JB 2005 help system. I canceled the
build during first time startup, and now it doesn't show a table of contents
and when I try to search in the index, it says: No Data Model.

John McGrath [TeamB]
2005-04-02 18:39:41 UTC
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
Does anyone know how to rebuild the JB 2005 help system.
Please do not multipost.

John McGrath [TeamB]

Before sending me e-mail, please read:
Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
2005-04-03 06:07:44 UTC
Post by John McGrath [TeamB]
Please do not multipost.
Wow, is that the only thing you can come up with. I thought you had found me
a solution to the problem which caused me to reinstall JBuilder 2005 Ent and
everything that comes with it.

John McGrath [TeamB]
2005-04-03 11:13:51 UTC
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
Post by John McGrath [TeamB]
Please do not multipost.
Wow, is that the only thing you can come up with. I thought you had
found me a solution to the problem which caused me to reinstall JBuilder
2005 Ent and everything that comes with it.
Multi-posting is clearly a violation of the newsgroup guidelines. Please
familiarize yourself with them. You can find them here:


Posts in violation of the newsgroup guidelines are subject to cancellation
without notice, although we generally try to be lenient in that regard.

You should also know that you are not entitled to a solution, or even to a
reply. These are peer supported newsgroups, which means that you may post
a question, and if someone knows the answer and has the inclination to
answer, they might do so. And FWIW, multi-posting is likely to make some
people less willing to answer, not more.

And since Gillmer Derge answered your question in the .ide newsgroup, why
should I answer it again? That potential for duplicated effort is one of
the reasons that multi-posting is not allowed. It also clutters up the
newsgroups, which makes them less useful for everyone. So please observe
the guidelines - doing so makes the newsgroups a better place for everyone.

John McGrath [TeamB]

Before sending me e-mail, please read:
Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
2005-04-03 11:56:19 UTC
Post by John McGrath [TeamB]
Multi-posting is clearly a violation of the newsgroup guidelines.
I know John, I know. And I don't have to familiarize myself with any
guidelines. Bus I posted this on b.p.j.n-t, whereas I should have posted it
on p.p.j.ide. Now, I can add new posts, but I definitely cannot delete the
ones already posted.

So, yes it was wrong, but I couldn't do a whole lot about it. I hope you won
't tar and feather me for this.

John McGrath [TeamB]
2005-04-03 13:31:20 UTC
Now, I can add new posts, but I definitely cannot delete the ones
already posted.
Actually, you can. Many newsreaders have a "cancel post" option and it
does work. With Outlook Express, you can select the message and then from
the "Message" menu, select "Cancel Message". I think the requirements are
that you need to do it from the same IP address and using the same e-mail
So, yes it was wrong, but I couldn't do a whole lot about it. I hope you
won 't tar and feather me for this.
Oh, no! We only do that after the third time someone multi-posts. :o)

John McGrath [TeamB]

Before sending me e-mail, please read:
Gillmer J. Derge [TeamB]
2005-04-03 15:46:02 UTC
Post by John McGrath [TeamB]
And since Gillmer Derge answered your question in the .ide newsgroup, why
should I answer it again?
I only sort of answered it. I responded to the question, but since my
suggestions didn't actually work, I'd hesitate to call them "answers." :-)
Gillmer J. Derge [TeamB]
John McGrath [TeamB]
2005-04-03 17:59:26 UTC
Post by Gillmer J. Derge [TeamB]
I only sort of answered it.
Well, I had nothing to add to what you had said.

John McGrath [TeamB]

Before sending me e-mail, please read:
Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
2005-04-03 20:38:36 UTC
Post by John McGrath [TeamB]
Well, I had nothing to add to what you had said.
Well, at least Gillmer was kind enough to answer, although -I am sorry to
say- it did not do me any good. You on the other hand John, are only loud
mouthing me on the rules and regulations stuff I have always been aware of,
but were just this once poorly implemented by me.

If only you could have come up with one useful technical remark. it would
have done me so much good.
John McGrath [TeamB]
2005-04-05 04:24:30 UTC
You on the other hand John, are only loud mouthing me on the rules and
regulations stuff I have always been aware of, but were just this once
poorly implemented by me.
If only you could have come up with one useful technical remark. it would
have done me so much good.
I am really not sure what to make of your reaction.

You multi-posted a message against the newsgroup guidelines. Since it is
my job to moderate the newsgroups, I replied with a simple, polite
request: "Please do not multipost."

Now, I would have thought that a reasonable response to this would have
been something like "Sorry, it was not intentional". But your reply did
not indicate that you had not done so intentionally or acknowledge in any
way that that multiposting was inappropriate. Instead, you complained
that I had not provided you with a solution to your problem.

Since your reaction seemed to suggest that you thought my request was not
reasonable, I pointed out that it is the newsgroup guidelines that
prohibit multiposting and provided a link to them. Since you also seemed
to think that I should have provided you with a solution to your problem,
I pointed out that was not true. I also indicated that I did not have
anything to add to what Gillmer had already said.

Given the above, I have a few questions for you: Do you think it was
wrong for me to ask you not to multipost when you had just done so? If
so, do you think that I should not ask anyone to follow the newsgroup
guidelines, or just you? Do you think that there was something wrong with
the way that I phrased the request "Please do not multipost"?

Given your sarcastic reply to this simple request, with no indication that
you felt you should comply with it, do you think it was wrong for me to
point you to the newsgroup guidelines?

On two occasions, you have complained that I did not provide any help for
your problem. Do you think that I owe you an answer? And given that Gill
had already replied to your message, and that I had nothing to add to
that, what would you have had me say?

John McGrath [TeamB]

Before sending me e-mail, please read:
Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
2005-04-05 08:33:49 UTC
what would you have had me say?
First let me emphasize the following. Everyone complies with the newsgroup
guidelines. Not because everyone agrees with it, but simply because of the
comprehension that if you do not comply, you get chucked out, your messages
are rendered invalid and/or you become a persona non grata.

In all of your statements that I should have basically adhered to the
guidelines and admitted that I had not, you are right.

But please consider this. When a person posts a message on a newsgroup. The
reason for this usually is that this person has a problem with -in our case-
one of the Borland products or related contextual environments. Often there
is a certain amount of tension regarding this problem and the poster
frequently checks the thread with anxiety in order to find out if there were
any replies. If then you find that the first and foremost reply you get is
"do not multipost", your first reaction may not be "hmmm. he is right".
Instead you will regard this a major deception. I am sorry to enlighten you
on this. It is called being human.

I also understand that I do not have the explicit right to an answer. If
nobody has a clue, or if no-one simply wants to reply, I can't sue anyone
for this. But if you do reply, you must realize that your answer should
raise some expectations to the earlier poster. And although you feel that in
your current role as a Team-B member you have to, you must have been aware
of responses the likes of which I confronted you with. Now, not everyone is
the same and not everyone replies equally, but you must have been attentive.

I don't want to play divide and conquer here, but Gillmer responded to my
needs as apposed to correcting my alleged misbehavior. And Gillmer is a
Team-B member too, so he could have.

Newsgroups are being populated by people and quite often people with a
problem. And like it or not, people are human. If you are making such an
issue of someone responding to your feedback, then maybe you should
reconsider your Team-B membership.

Kind regards,
Jeroen Wenting
2005-04-05 09:55:08 UTC
Post by John McGrath [TeamB]
what would you have had me say?
First let me emphasize the following. Everyone complies with the newsgroup
guidelines. Not because everyone agrees with it, but simply because of the
comprehension that if you do not comply, you get chucked out, your messages
are rendered invalid and/or you become a persona non grata.
So? The only people becoming persona non grata are people who consistently behave like you are doing here.
In fact you've probably earned yourself a spot in many peoples' killfiles because of this one thread of rants...

Crossposting is NOT good etiquette, and people will NOT consider you a nice person because of it.
Post by John McGrath [TeamB]
In all of your statements that I should have basically adhered to the
guidelines and admitted that I had not, you are right.
And instead you claimed that you have no reason or intent to even consider looking at those guidelines...

environments. Often there
Post by John McGrath [TeamB]
is a certain amount of tension regarding this problem and the poster
frequently checks the thread with anxiety in order to find out if there were
any replies. If then you find that the first and foremost reply you get is
And why would posting that question in many places make that any less hard on you?
Post by John McGrath [TeamB]
"do not multipost", your first reaction may not be "hmmm. he is right".
Instead you will regard this a major deception. I am sorry to enlighten you
on this. It is called being human.
No, it's called being a conspiracy theorist.
Post by John McGrath [TeamB]
I also understand that I do not have the explicit right to an answer. If
nobody has a clue, or if no-one simply wants to reply, I can't sue anyone
And instead you'll start screaming and ranting that noone has yet given you the reply you were looking for.
We've all seen that too many times.
Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
2005-04-05 09:39:17 UTC
Post by Jeroen Wenting
Crossposting is NOT good etiquette, and people will NOT consider you a
nice person because of it.

I don't need to be considered a nice person, I just want my problem solved.
Post by Jeroen Wenting
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
In all of your statements that I should have basically adhered to the
guidelines and admitted that I had not, you are right.
And instead you claimed that you have no reason or intent to even consider
looking at those guidelines...

Hello... is English not your first language?
Post by Jeroen Wenting
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
"do not multipost", your first reaction may not be "hmmm. he is right".
Instead you will regard this a major deception. I am sorry to enlighten you
on this. It is called being human.
No, it's called being a conspiracy theorist.
Come on, get a grip!
Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2005-04-06 02:54:20 UTC
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
Come on, get a grip!
Okay, it is time for everyone to get a grip.

Time out.

We're sorry we could not provide a satisfactory
answer. We sincerely wish we could have since providing
them is the primary motivation for all participants
in these newsgroups, not just TeamB. But we couldn't.
That doesn't mean that we won't be on the lookout for
an answer, but in the meantime, as I understand it,
you re-installed and things seem to be working now.

Yes, it was painful. One hint: after seeing that I
didn't need all the add-ons which significantly
contribute to the length of the Help system's initial
indexing, I later adopted a policy of not installing
the add-ins, such as ebay and Fortify. Do you
really need them? (The question is rhetorical:
reflect, assess, but don't answer.) I don't and
I suspect that most folks using JBuilder to earn a
living don't either.

With those thoughts, and a desire to end what appears
to be a fruitless escalation of acrimony, I suggest that
you and others think twice about responding and just
leave it. No one "wins" in this thread at the expense
of others.

This thread is dead.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2005-04-06 02:44:12 UTC
Post by Jeroen Wenting
So? The only people becoming persona non grata are people who
consistently behave like you are doing here. In fact you've
probably earned yourself a spot in many peoples' killfiles because
of this one thread of rants...
Okay, time out.

Jennifer asked a legit question, and mistakenly
cross/multi-posted which she essentially knows
is not the thing to do. But there's no need to
keep beating a dead horse. If anyone wishes to
indulge, pick up a copy of Dostoyevksy and analyze,
in your spare time, what the nag means to the
human condition. (Keep your notes to yourselves.)

Like the nag in the story, this thread is dead.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Jennifer-Ashley Kuiper
2005-04-06 12:22:46 UTC
Post by Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
Okay, time out.
You're right Paul. Sorry for being such a bitch, but sometimes nagging is my
middle name.

if(new HaveNewQuestion().toPost())
new Friendly().iWillRespond();

John McGrath [TeamB]
2005-04-05 14:08:31 UTC
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
First let me emphasize the following. Everyone complies with the
newsgroup guidelines. Not because everyone agrees with it, but simply
because of the comprehension that if you do not comply, you get chucked
out, your messages are rendered invalid and/or you become a persona non
I disagree on two different counts. First, not everyone complies with the
guidelines. If everyone did, we would not be having this discussion. And
I also think you are very wrong that people only comply because they would
be kicked off the newsgroups if they did not. Most people realize that
following the rules results in newsgroups with less noise, which makes the
groups more useful to them.
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
Often there is a certain amount of tension regarding this problem and
the poster frequently checks the thread with anxiety in order to find
out if there were any replies. If then you find that the first and
foremost reply you get is "do not multipost", your first reaction may
not be "hmmm. he is right". Instead you will regard this a major
deception. I am sorry to enlighten you on this. It is called being
Deception? I suspect we are running into a language issue here, but I do
not think that is the appropriate word. I think it implies that someone
posted the message in order to fool you into thinking that it was a
solution to your problem, so as to get your hopes up and then dash them.
I think one would have to be quite paranoid to think that is going on.

But yes, I can understand that you might have your hopes up in the second
or two between the time that you notice the reply until the time that you
read it. Of course, that could happen for a number of reasons. Someone
might post an "I have the same problem" message, or misunderstand your
problem and post a "solution" that does not address it. There could be
any number of other types of replies that would disappoint. But life is
full of little disappointments, and most people learn to live with them
without reacting badly.
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
And although you feel that in your current role as a Team-B member you
have to, you must have been aware of responses the likes of which I
confronted you with.
I do not just "feel this". I am quite sure that it is one of my duties as
a TeamB member. [Checking TeamB Guide to make sure...] Yup, it is
definitely in there. No doubt about it.

And yes, on rare occasions, people react badly to requests such as the one
that I made of you. That does not make right, or even reasonable. And it
is not a reason to abandon the newsgroup guidelines.
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
I don't want to play divide and conquer here, but Gillmer responded to my
needs as apposed to correcting my alleged misbehavior. And Gillmer is a
Team-B member too, so he could have.
If you search the newsgroups, you will find many examples of Gill asking
people not to multipost, and examples from other TeamB members as well.
You will also find plenty of examples of me providing answers for people.
I do not know for certain, but I suspect Gill did not see your second
message, or realize that it was a multipost. Or perhaps I just saw it
first. It seems that you are looking at a single data point and deducing
a pattern from it.
Post by Jennifer Ashley Kuiper
If you are making such an issue of someone responding to your feedback,
then maybe you should reconsider your Team-B membership.
In order to do that, I need to consider whether that response was in the
least bit reasonable. That is why I asked you those questions, most of
which failed to answer. In case you did not see them, here they are again:

| Do you think it was wrong for me to ask you not to multipost when you
| had just done so? If so, do you think that I should not ask anyone to
| follow the newsgroup guidelines, or just you? Do you think that there
| was something wrong with the way that I phrased the request "Please do
| not multipost"?

| And given that Gill had already replied to your message, and that I had
| nothing to add to that, what would you have had me say?

John McGrath [TeamB]

Before sending me e-mail, please read: