2006-03-01 19:57:12 UTC
it has now been quite a while since JBuilder 2006 enterprise was released...
In the past, trials of the developer versions were released a few months after the enterprise version, followed eventually by the foundation version but this has not happened for v2006.
I purchased developer 2005, and would like to buy developer 2006, but I will not do so unless I can try it first. When I say try it, I do not mean installing the trial enterprise version (which has many features I do not want or need).
When (if ever) can I expect a trial version of 2006 developer?
FYI: I am in New Zealand and I contacted the local sales office a few months ago asking about this. Their response was that no version other than the enterprise edition would ever be available for trial. (i.e --> the distribution strategy has changed since 2005 and tough luck)
I hope he is wrong and I can actually try 2006 developer and not be stuck with 2005 forever :)
In the past, trials of the developer versions were released a few months after the enterprise version, followed eventually by the foundation version but this has not happened for v2006.
I purchased developer 2005, and would like to buy developer 2006, but I will not do so unless I can try it first. When I say try it, I do not mean installing the trial enterprise version (which has many features I do not want or need).
When (if ever) can I expect a trial version of 2006 developer?
FYI: I am in New Zealand and I contacted the local sales office a few months ago asking about this. Their response was that no version other than the enterprise edition would ever be available for trial. (i.e --> the distribution strategy has changed since 2005 and tough luck)
I hope he is wrong and I can actually try 2006 developer and not be stuck with 2005 forever :)