Post by HuhtamanWe are considering JBuilder - we want to keep our options open and to
utilize the power of the internet more completely. For the next 3 years -
our customer base will be primarily windows networks with larger ones
possibly running Unix.
Any comments would be appreciated - especially from those familiar with
I would start with out looking at our Java for Delphi programmers site, even
though many of the methods we use on this somewhat antiquated site, have
been deprecated.
You will need to work some with Swing, as it is a different animal from
Delphi. Concentrate on the basics (from the Web site), and play with the
Layout managers, especially Grid Bag Layout, Flow Layout, and Border
Layout, which will probably be the ones you will most use; especially
coming from Delphi.
After your play and exposure period, get a good Swing book, if you are going
to do Web Start or GUI apps. Stay away from Applet based applications, use
Web Start instead. Reserve applets for small and lightweight duty overall.
Many people try and start with applets (because they think it is so cool,
and it can be), but they quickly get frustrated, fighting the security
issues and the Java sandbox. Actually, I think that you will find it much
more beneficial to use Web Start for Java GUI applications overall and so
will your customers. Much cleaner, no need to do a download each time, and
has great version control built in (from the end user level, not the
developer level understand).
You are going to have some issues learning everything about Java. Components
are one area that will drive you nuts. You are used to Event driven models
exposed as part of the components themselves in Delphi. In Java however,
events are handled through Event handlers and listeners, much like the
Windows API at the lower levels. If you need a good Java Swing component
set that will rival what you are used to in Delphi, look at JSuite
( A little pricey,
but will feel more natural to you. The JB components themselves, will be
more familiar, as they are modeled after Delphi.
It is hard to tell you more than this, since I have no idea what you are
doing. Java is going to take some time to learn, but do not feel too
frustrated. Java is not going to be as easy to pick up as Delphi was, and
you may get annoyed at the fact that you will find it much harder to drag
and drop your way to success in Java than you did in Delphi.
But if you experiment, read, and learn, you will find that you really like
Java, and the "write once, run everywhere" motto, is basically true.
A Delphi that would do what Java does, would be great and I could say I
would even prefer it. But Delphi is not xplatform and will never be for all
intents and purposes. Therfore, Java is the best game in town, if you want
to ensure that your app covers the most platforms, literally unchanged
(except when you are making native OS calls, of course).
For Server side or Web development, I would actually prefer Java over
Delphi. Java is sweet for developing Web applications, Web Services, and
server side processing.
If you like total application control, you will like Java. If you are a drag
and drop Guru :), then you will probably find Java frustrating.
JBuilder is the best Java development tool overall, IMHO. JB offers some RAD
features, but not as RAD as Delphi, for GUI development. Not JB's fault,
that is the nature of Java GUI beast.
Nealry all of my beginning Delphi to Java students (VB included here), find
the LayoutManagers their first major hurdle. They quickly get furstrated
with these, and our site handles this
dicussion. I highly suggest you go there and look at the lessons.