Post by Doychin BondzhevI'm compleatly agree with you. It will be really difficult to some users to
change that really confortable UI with Eclipse which in some cases is
compleate mess.
I'll third that. I got into a discussion the other day
with an avid Eclipse user about the "project pane" --
Eclipse shows you all your configuration details, adding
lots of info which should be inspected, not revealed,
by default. I hope that Peloton hides the libraries,
the JDK, and other settings which to me are of little
importance in the minute-to-minute info I need while
working on a project. If I need to inspect and change
the above settings, I should open the Project Settings/
Properties dialog and do so.
Some will say that you can get there with Eclipse now.
But I say that I should not have to take a bunch of steps
to do so for each of my projects. And I should not
be constrained by having to put everything in one
humongous "Workbench", and be required to essentially
restart the IDE just to switch workbenches.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)
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