(too old to reply)
2006-06-14 07:53:47 UTC

Is anybody knows when some PELETON demos will be released at BDN ?

Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2006-06-15 02:07:05 UTC
Post by Franos
Is anybody knows when some PELETON demos will be released at BDN ?
I don't think anybody knows. I've mentioned several times (I think)
in this newsgroup that I'd like to see a public beta at some point.
Just to generate some interest and activity so that current users
don't stray too far. Doing so may mean more work for the development
and QA team, but it could translate into greater enthusiasm, and more
sales later on. Who knows?!

For right now, I'm pretty darned satisfied with JBuilder 2006. I
don't have any need to run Java 6. Its refactoring and Code Insight
features, along with the Web development features, keep me productive
day in and day out, except of course when outside events, like
meetings (which have nothing to do with JBuilder), eat valuable
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Ludovic HOCHET
2006-06-16 18:54:00 UTC
BDN TV now has a __short__ one:

(I can't help but think that JB2k6 looks nicer)
Post by Franos
Is anybody knows when some PELETON demos will be released at BDN ?

"Les formes qui differencient les etres importent peu
si leur pensees s'unissent pour batir un univers..."
Yoko Tsuno (in 'Les titans' by Roger Leloup)
[The shapes that differenciate beings are not important
if their thoughts unite to build a universe]
Doychin Bondzhev
2006-06-17 04:56:18 UTC
I'm compleatly agree with you. It will be really difficult to some users to
change that really confortable UI with Eclipse which in some cases is
compleate mess.

Post by Ludovic HOCHET
(I can't help but think that JB2k6 looks nicer)
Post by Franos
Is anybody knows when some PELETON demos will be released at BDN ?
"Les formes qui differencient les etres importent peu
si leur pensees s'unissent pour batir un univers..."
Yoko Tsuno (in 'Les titans' by Roger Leloup)
[The shapes that differenciate beings are not important
if their thoughts unite to build a universe]
Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2006-06-17 15:17:30 UTC
Post by Doychin Bondzhev
I'm compleatly agree with you. It will be really difficult to some users to
change that really confortable UI with Eclipse which in some cases is
compleate mess.
I'll third that. I got into a discussion the other day
with an avid Eclipse user about the "project pane" --
Eclipse shows you all your configuration details, adding
lots of info which should be inspected, not revealed,
by default. I hope that Peloton hides the libraries,
the JDK, and other settings which to me are of little
importance in the minute-to-minute info I need while
working on a project. If I need to inspect and change
the above settings, I should open the Project Settings/
Properties dialog and do so.

Some will say that you can get there with Eclipse now.
But I say that I should not have to take a bunch of steps
to do so for each of my projects. And I should not
be constrained by having to put everything in one
humongous "Workbench", and be required to essentially
restart the IDE just to switch workbenches.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Jon Harrison (Borland Developer Tools Group)
2006-06-19 22:30:44 UTC
We have now posted a web services demo too... more to follow. We want to
share as much with the community as we can . . . .
- I hate listening to my own voice ;-)

We appreciate what are you are saying abut JB -> Eclipse user interface.
We're looking at what we can do to make the whole JBuilder to JBuilder on
Eclipse experience as seamless as possible. Some things we can transition
well, other things maybe not as well .....but please continue to post with
your views.

Thanks, Jon
(Deveoper Tools Group, Borland).
Post by Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
Post by Doychin Bondzhev
I'm compleatly agree with you. It will be really difficult to some users
to change that really confortable UI with Eclipse which in some cases is
compleate mess.
I'll third that. I got into a discussion the other day
with an avid Eclipse user about the "project pane" --
Eclipse shows you all your configuration details, adding
lots of info which should be inspected, not revealed,
by default. I hope that Peloton hides the libraries,
the JDK, and other settings which to me are of little
importance in the minute-to-minute info I need while
working on a project. If I need to inspect and change
the above settings, I should open the Project Settings/
Properties dialog and do so.
Some will say that you can get there with Eclipse now.
But I say that I should not have to take a bunch of steps
to do so for each of my projects. And I should not
be constrained by having to put everything in one
humongous "Workbench", and be required to essentially
restart the IDE just to switch workbenches.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)
Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?
Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
2006-06-20 03:37:14 UTC
Post by Jon Harrison (Borland Developer Tools Group)
We have now posted a web services demo too... more to follow. We want to
share as much with the community as we can . . . .
- I hate listening to my own voice ;-)
We appreciate what are you are saying abut JB -> Eclipse user interface.
We're looking at what we can do to make the whole JBuilder to JBuilder on
Eclipse experience as seamless as possible. Some things we can transition
well, other things maybe not as well .....but please continue to post with
your views.
The thing which immediately strikes me is that graphical
views in Peloton are going to be so much richer than
in JBuilder on Primetime. It seems to me that the
foundations which EMF and GEF provide are going to be
big pluses moving forward.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)

Save time, search the archives:

Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?

Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
2006-06-20 12:03:45 UTC
I you want us to share the feelings we will have with Peloton. Why don't you publish a public or private field test ?

Post by Jon Harrison (Borland Developer Tools Group)
We have now posted a web services demo too... more to follow. We want to
share as much with the community as we can . . . .
- I hate listening to my own voice ;-)
We appreciate what are you are saying abut JB -> Eclipse user interface.
We're looking at what we can do to make the whole JBuilder to JBuilder on
Eclipse experience as seamless as possible. Some things we can transition
well, other things maybe not as well .....but please continue to post with
your views.
Thanks, Jon
(Deveoper Tools Group, Borland).
Post by Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
Post by Doychin Bondzhev
I'm compleatly agree with you. It will be really difficult to some users
to change that really confortable UI with Eclipse which in some cases is
compleate mess.
I'll third that. I got into a discussion the other day
with an avid Eclipse user about the "project pane" --
Eclipse shows you all your configuration details, adding
lots of info which should be inspected, not revealed,
by default. I hope that Peloton hides the libraries,
the JDK, and other settings which to me are of little
importance in the minute-to-minute info I need while
working on a project. If I need to inspect and change
the above settings, I should open the Project Settings/
Properties dialog and do so.
Some will say that you can get there with Eclipse now.
But I say that I should not have to take a bunch of steps
to do so for each of my projects. And I should not
be constrained by having to put everything in one
humongous "Workbench", and be required to essentially
restart the IDE just to switch workbenches.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)
Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?
Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Jon Harrison (Borland Developer Tools Group)
2006-06-20 13:51:32 UTC
Post by Franos
I you want us to share the feelings we will have with Peloton. Why don't
you publish a public or private field test ?
We're not ready for field test yet... for now the "technology previews" on
BDN allow us to start to share some info with you.

Regards, Jon.
Michael Swindell (Borland)
2006-06-22 05:46:50 UTC
soon.. the team is aiming for field test this summer.
Post by Franos
I you want us to share the feelings we will have with Peloton. Why don't
you publish a public or private field test ?
Post by Jon Harrison (Borland Developer Tools Group)
We have now posted a web services demo too... more to follow. We want to
share as much with the community as we can . . . .
- I hate listening to my own voice ;-)
We appreciate what are you are saying abut JB -> Eclipse user interface.
We're looking at what we can do to make the whole JBuilder to JBuilder on
Eclipse experience as seamless as possible. Some things we can transition
well, other things maybe not as well .....but please continue to post with
your views.
Thanks, Jon
(Deveoper Tools Group, Borland).
Post by Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
Post by Doychin Bondzhev
I'm compleatly agree with you. It will be really difficult to some users
to change that really confortable UI with Eclipse which in some cases is
compleate mess.
I'll third that. I got into a discussion the other day
with an avid Eclipse user about the "project pane" --
Eclipse shows you all your configuration details, adding
lots of info which should be inspected, not revealed,
by default. I hope that Peloton hides the libraries,
the JDK, and other settings which to me are of little
importance in the minute-to-minute info I need while
working on a project. If I need to inspect and change
the above settings, I should open the Project Settings/
Properties dialog and do so.
Some will say that you can get there with Eclipse now.
But I say that I should not have to take a bunch of steps
to do so for each of my projects. And I should not
be constrained by having to put everything in one
humongous "Workbench", and be required to essentially
restart the IDE just to switch workbenches.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)
Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?
Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.
Ludovic HOCHET
2006-06-26 21:18:41 UTC
Thanks for that! (long awaited though)

One JBuilder UI feature I'd like to see transfered to Peloton is
the multiple run console tabs...
Post by Jon Harrison (Borland Developer Tools Group)
We have now posted a web services demo too... more to follow. We want to
share as much with the community as we can . . . .
- I hate listening to my own voice ;-)
We appreciate what are you are saying abut JB -> Eclipse user interface.
We're looking at what we can do to make the whole JBuilder to JBuilder on
Eclipse experience as seamless as possible. Some things we can transition
well, other things maybe not as well .....but please continue to post with
your views.
Thanks, Jon
(Deveoper Tools Group, Borland).
Post by Paul Furbacher [TeamB]
Post by Doychin Bondzhev
I'm compleatly agree with you. It will be really difficult to some users
to change that really confortable UI with Eclipse which in some cases is
compleate mess.
I'll third that. I got into a discussion the other day
with an avid Eclipse user about the "project pane" --
Eclipse shows you all your configuration details, adding
lots of info which should be inspected, not revealed,
by default. I hope that Peloton hides the libraries,
the JDK, and other settings which to me are of little
importance in the minute-to-minute info I need while
working on a project. If I need to inspect and change
the above settings, I should open the Project Settings/
Properties dialog and do so.
Some will say that you can get there with Eclipse now.
But I say that I should not have to take a bunch of steps
to do so for each of my projects. And I should not
be constrained by having to put everything in one
humongous "Workbench", and be required to essentially
restart the IDE just to switch workbenches.
Paul Furbacher (TeamB)
Is it in Joi Ellis's Faq-O-Matic?
Finally, please send responses to the newsgroup only.
That means, do not send email directly to me.
Thank you.

"Les formes qui differencient les etres importent peu
si leur pensees s'unissent pour batir un univers..."
Yoko Tsuno (in 'Les titans' by Roger Leloup)
[The shapes that differenciate beings are not important
if their thoughts unite to build a universe]
Alexey N. Solofnenko
2006-06-20 05:10:16 UTC
File->New... seems the worst place for openning existing projects in
Eclipse. File->Open or File->Import would be much better.

- Alexey.
Post by Ludovic HOCHET
(I can't help but think that JB2k6 looks nicer)
Post by Franos
Is anybody knows when some PELETON demos will be released at BDN ?
Alexey N. Solofnenko
home: http://trelony.cjb.net/
Bill Joy
2006-06-20 13:18:31 UTC
There has been some debate over that -- so the wizards are available in both
File | New and File | Import.

Note that Eclipse has a File | New | Project | Java Project from Existing
Ant Buildfile. This provides a precedent for creating an Eclipse project
from other file types which also control a build process.
Post by Alexey N. Solofnenko
File->New... seems the worst place for openning existing projects in
Eclipse. File->Open or File->Import would be much better.
- Alexey.
Alexey N. Solofnenko
2006-06-21 00:16:49 UTC
Maybe it is a right place for Eclipse users, but people that used to
program with JBuilder (at least me) may find it awkward. Peloton will be
JBuilder XXX++, so I guess it should behave close to previous JBuilder

- Alexey.
Post by Bill Joy
There has been some debate over that -- so the wizards are available in both
File | New and File | Import.
Note that Eclipse has a File | New | Project | Java Project from Existing
Ant Buildfile. This provides a precedent for creating an Eclipse project
from other file types which also control a build process.
Post by Alexey N. Solofnenko
File->New... seems the worst place for openning existing projects in
Eclipse. File->Open or File->Import would be much better.
- Alexey.
Alexey N. Solofnenko
home: http://trelony.cjb.net/
Ludovic HOCHET
2006-06-26 21:13:46 UTC
In JBuilder, opening/importing a third party project is via
Post by Alexey N. Solofnenko
Maybe it is a right place for Eclipse users, but people that used to
program with JBuilder (at least me) may find it awkward. Peloton will be
JBuilder XXX++, so I guess it should behave close to previous JBuilder
- Alexey.
Post by Bill Joy
There has been some debate over that -- so the wizards are available
in both File | New and File | Import.
Note that Eclipse has a File | New | Project | Java Project from
Existing Ant Buildfile. This provides a precedent for creating an
Eclipse project from other file types which also control a build process.
Post by Alexey N. Solofnenko
File->New... seems the worst place for openning existing projects in
Eclipse. File->Open or File->Import would be much better.
- Alexey.

"Les formes qui differencient les etres importent peu
si leur pensees s'unissent pour batir un univers..."
Yoko Tsuno (in 'Les titans' by Roger Leloup)
[The shapes that differenciate beings are not important
if their thoughts unite to build a universe]