JBuilder 2006 Foundation?
(too old to reply)
2005-11-24 17:54:30 UTC
Does anyone know whether there will be a separate JB 2006 Foundation
Kevin Dean [TeamB]
2005-11-25 00:47:15 UTC
Post by Jennifer-Ashley
Does anyone know whether there will be a separate JB 2006 Foundation
It doesn't look like it. The Enterprise trial version will revert to
Foundation mode after the trial license expires, however.
Kevin Dean [TeamB]
Dolphin Data Development Ltd.

Team Development with JBuilder and Borland Enterprise Server
Securing Borland Enterprise Server

Please see Borland's newsgroup guidelines at
2005-11-27 16:32:39 UTC

Not having a valid (read: non expired) reg674.txt file doesn't
allow me to use JBuilder2006 EE trial converting directly to
Foundation. The license manager kicks in and asks to provide it
a valid reg674.txt. :-)

The license manager should instead ask the following question:

"There's no (valid) reg674.txt file present OR the license for
trial usage of the Enterprise Edition has already expired.

Should I enter directly in Foundation Mode (Yes) or keep
searching for a valid reg674.txt (No)?" Pressing 'Yes' kicks
into Foundation Mode forever in this case.

Or Borland should provide Foundation Edition for downloading
or publish it onto CD for a few bucks. Then everybody's
happy. Note: the Foundation is much smaller than the Enterprise
trial. Hobbyists and students are far better off with the
smaller Foundation than the HUGE Enterprise Trial. Enterprise
Trials are great for companies for evaluating the product.

Lori M Olson [TeamB]
2005-11-27 21:59:41 UTC
Post by Tom
Not having a valid (read: non expired) reg674.txt file doesn't
allow me to use JBuilder2006 EE trial converting directly to
Foundation. The license manager kicks in and asks to provide it
a valid reg674.txt. :-)
"There's no (valid) reg674.txt file present OR the license for
trial usage of the Enterprise Edition has already expired.
Should I enter directly in Foundation Mode (Yes) or keep
searching for a valid reg674.txt (No)?" Pressing 'Yes' kicks
into Foundation Mode forever in this case.
Go back to the downloads page and get it to send you the key again,
since the one you have seems to be corrupted. Read that email, and
follow all the instructions, because it provides advice on how to avoid
these kinds of corruptions.
Post by Tom
Or Borland should provide Foundation Edition for downloading
or publish it onto CD for a few bucks. Then everybody's
happy. Note: the Foundation is much smaller than the Enterprise
trial. Hobbyists and students are far better off with the
smaller Foundation than the HUGE Enterprise Trial. Enterprise
Trials are great for companies for evaluating the product.
Well, you can wait forever for something that may or may not ever
appear, or you can download the Enterprise Trial and just use the
product now. Your choice. But if a separate Foundation isn't out by
now, I doubt it will appear at all.

Lori Olson [TeamB]


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2005-11-28 19:15:04 UTC
Go back to the downloads page and get it to send you the key >again,
since the one you have seems to be corrupted. Read that >email, and
follow all the instructions, because it provides advice on >how to avoid
these kinds of corruptions.
Problem solved my temporarily modifying my e-mail address
and then downloading it again. :-) :-) Thank you.
Well, you can wait forever for something that may or may not >ever
appear, or you can download the Enterprise Trial and just use >the
product now. Your choice. But if a separate Foundation >isn't out by
now, I doubt it will appear at all.
Too bad, but I still hope this will change.
2005-12-13 00:22:52 UTC
Post by Tom
Well, you can wait forever for something that may or may not >ever
appear, or you can download the Enterprise Trial and just use >the
product now. Your choice. But if a separate Foundation >isn't out by
now, I doubt it will appear at all.
Too bad, but I still hope this will change.
Yes, it is indeed too bad :(

I love JBuilder but many of my developer friends seem to be jumping ship to Eclipse for this reason (and other similar marketing reasons)... I fear that Borlad is losing touch with the grass roots developers that helped make them strong way back when.

I keep hoping that the sales and marketing team will wake up one day and realize that keeping the hoppyist developers happy is of great importance, since many of them go on to work for big companies that then buy the expensive versions.

Basically the thing to keep in mind is if you piss people off early, they are less likely to spend money on you later.
2005-12-13 16:44:45 UTC
I love JBuilder but many of my developer friends seem to be >jumping ship to Eclipse for this reason (and other similar >marketing reasons)... I fear that Borlad is losing touch with >the grass roots developers that helped make them strong way back >when.
I keep hoping that the sales and marketing team will wake up one >day and realize that keeping the hoppyist developers happy is of >great importance, since many of them go on to work for big >companies that then buy the expensive versions.
Basically the thing to keep in mind is if you piss people off >early, they are less likely to spend money on you later.
Yes, I completely agree with you. Borland have always provided the
hobbyist with a downloadable version of JBuilder Standard or
Foundation from version 3.5 through 2005. But from 2006 Borland
provides JBuilder Foundation only within the HUGE download of an
Enterprise trial. Much hobbyists and starters don't want
enterprise stuff yet. They only need the basic stuff like desktop
and desktop databasing. The questionable marketing style can make
users of JBuilder somewhat angry. So angry that they might leave
Borland and choose a competing product even an open sourced one.

Borland should also make the foundation version 2006
downloadable like in the past. This is a bad move of Borland.
:-( Cry out loud.
Shankar Unni
2005-12-13 21:33:44 UTC
Post by Lori M Olson [TeamB]
But if a separate Foundation isn't out by
now, I doubt it will appear at all.
Actually, not true.

I was looking at the dates on the packages for JB2005, and it looks like
the Developer trial around 4 months after the Enterprise trial, and the
Foundation version was released around *6 months* after.

So patience.
2005-12-13 20:48:39 UTC
Post by Shankar Unni
Actually, not true.
I was looking at the dates on the packages for JB2005, and it >looks like
the Developer trial around 4 months after the Enterprise >trial, and the
Foundation version was released around *6 months* after.
So patience.
I hope you'll get right!
